English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day | 如何好吃又健康 - 2024年7月

English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day




  DK出版社這本精美的《English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day》英語學習書,以週為單位,一週五天每天帶孩子學習5個實用的生活單字:週一到週四學習單字,週五透過各式互動遊戲與練習,增強單字記憶力,學習主題包括各式各樣的生活單字,從顏色、數字、水果、玩具、動物、體育活動、衣服到天氣都有,而且除了精緻的全彩繪圖外,還附有音檔,讓孩子邊聽邊學習。

  《English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day》使用簡單,每天學習5個單字後,孩子可利用「自我測試」的翻翻頁設計,確認是否正確記憶今天學習的詞彙。此外,這本書的學習內容除了單字外,也包括簡單的英語文法、標點符號及拼寫,適合作為準備劍橋兒童英語認證及聖三一GESE考試的英語學習教材。

  《English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day》獨特的學習方式,是適合初次接觸英語的6到9歲孩童使用的第一本英語學習書。只要一年的時間,就能幫助孩子累積超過1,000個單字詞彙,幫助孩子邁出學習英語的成功第一步。

  The perfect introduction to English vocabulary for children aged 6-9 as they take the first steps toward learning English as a foreign language.


  A perfect accompaniment to the English for Everyone Junior Course, this also functions as a stand-alone product for learning vocabulary


  This beautifully illustrated vocabulary book for younger children introduces your child to the essentials of English vocabulary. Each day from Monday to Thursday, English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day presents your child with five new words to learn and practice, using the English for Everyone visual methodology. Over the course of a year, your child will build up a vocabulary of 1,000 of the most commonly used English words.


  All the vocabulary is sorted into themes that reflect children’s everyday lives (such as toys, clothes, and food), and each set of words is accompanied by a beautiful illustration that helps your child commit those words to memory. The daily “test yourself” exercises utilize cleverly designed flaps which hide the words your child has just learned. English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day provides the necessary foundation for children who are about to start studying English at school, as well as solid support for those who are already learning the language.


  English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day covers all the vocabulary used in the Cambridge Young Learners Exams and more, and corresponds to bands pre-A1 through to A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
