【問題】7 11 中秋禮盒 2020?推薦回答


傳統節日好書端午節+過新年+中秋節!   ★★2021年全新改版-注音版★★ 立體壯觀的中秋節、端午和春節情景,可以動手操作的多元小機關,陪伴孩子歡樂過傳統節日! ★全新注音版!2021年端午節立體應景首發★ ★歡樂過新年榮獲「2021年好書大家讀」得獎書★ ★團圓中秋節全新2021年新增注音版首發★ ★三書合購加贈市價$250「立體團圓禾流燈籠」★ 本書特色   ★與孩子一同溫習古老習...


Allen Fromherz is Professor of History at Georgia State University and director of the Middle East Studies Center. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Dartmouth College in 2002 and received his PhD f...

作者:Insight Editions

哈利波特100張明信片珍藏禮盒     收錄「哈利波特」電影精彩劇照,精美盒裝內含100 張不重複的明信片,完整珍藏哈利波特傳奇冒險,紀念每個震撼而感動的魔法時刻!     Celebrate your love for The Boy Who Lived with this deluxe set of one hundred unique postcards featur...

作者:Fender, Ketih

作者:Nogowski, John

An award-winning sportswriter, John Nogowski teaches AP Language, English and Journalism at Gadsden County High School in Havana, Florida.

作者:Houellebecq, Michel

Michel Houellebecq is a French writer, poet and essayist. His many bestselling books include Platform, The Possibility of an Island, Submission and Serotonin. He won the prestigious Prix Goncourt i...

作者:Abou El Fetouh, Tarek




Deirdre Flynn is a lecturer in 21st-century literature at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. She has published widely on Contemporary literature, Irish Studies, Dystopian Literature, ...


  台灣每8人就有1人腎臟出問題,   但96%的人有慢性腎臟病卻不自知!     腎臟是人體的「超級濾心」,負責過濾血液、調節體內水分、製造尿液排泄廢物與毒素,同時也是維持骨骼健康、調節人體免疫力、保護胰臟免於發炎、強化神經與肌肉機能的重要器官。但是,你知道嗎?「腎臟病」年年登上國人10大死因排行榜,可說是台灣人的「新國病」!根據衛福部最新統計,台灣罹患慢性腎臟病的人數超過200萬人,平均...

作者:Friedman, Norman

Norman Friedman is a defense analyst and historian specializing in the intersection between policy, strategy, and technology. He has published more than forty books, including an award-winning hist...


  ◎收錄近800題學科分類題庫,突破學習無盲點!   國貿業務乙級技能檢定學科測驗題雖然全部取自勞動部修正的800題題庫,但面對如此多的題目往往只能囫圇吞棗,死記題目與答案,臨場考試時,卻常常會因為題目過多或相似而造成混淆,功虧一簣。故本書在每章開始,皆會依照該章主題加以解說,並做系統的整理分析及提醒,方便你理解每章節的內容和重點,並在試題及解析中,詳細解說和分析,希望透過這些淺顯的重點解...


Christina S. Beck is Professor of Communication at Ohio University and Past President of the National Communication Association and the Central States Communication Association.

