

麵包超人是製作麵包的果醬大叔所做出的紅豆麵包,因剛好生命之星墜落在麵包上而誕生。   《麵包超人和飛天梅子/麵包超人友情故事系列》主要講述的是麵包超人喜歡幫助有困難的人,今天他們所在的城鎮有了麻煩,天上掉下來一個大梅子,壓壞了很多東西,麵包超人集結了城鎮裡的人,大家一起阻止了滾動的大梅子。原來是梅子男孩在裡面,給大家帶來了很好酸甜好吃的小梅子。


Eleni Kosta, Tilburg University, The NetherlandsJo Pierson, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumDaniel Slamanig, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, AustriaSimone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad ...

作者:Havis, Allan (EDT)/ Labute, Neil/ Corthron, Kia/ Rebeck, Theresa/ Gersten-vassilaros, Alexandra/ Karam, Stephen

This powerful anthology brings together reflective and raw plays by American playwrights surrounding the psychic and political boundaries of the many faces and shadows of terrorism. Allan Havis's i...




《番茄工作法從入門到精通》介紹了如何運用番茄工作法來管理時間,以及如何使番茄工作法在實際工作中發揮更大的作用,幫助職場人士養成好習慣,使其能夠高效工作、高效生活。本書分為三個部分:一部分為入門篇,介紹為什麼要學習時間管理和番茄工作法;第二部分是實戰篇,介紹番茄工作法的具體使用方法,並引導讀者使用;第三部分是精進篇,旨在幫助讀者培養好的習慣,以便使番茄工作法發揮最大的益處。 如果你也想成就高...


《你的牙刷上要加點番茄醬嗎?》(這本書中有:YO圈)這是一本2-5歲孩子閱讀的可以自由組合拼接的遊戲書,你可以在雞蛋上撒一點兒鹽,往薯條上倒一點兒牛奶,在你的吐司上抹一點兒果醬……當然,發揮你的想像,也可以在吐司上抹一點兒牙膏,往你的浴盆倒蛋奶沙司,不同的組合可以做出許多令人驚喜的食物!這本書送給所有喜歡“玩食物”的小朋友! 尼克·沙拉特被譽為英國繪本界的天才,他的創作獲獎無數,曾在20...

作者:Hughes-Evans, Emma/ Brownhill, Simon

Stimulating Non-Fiction Writing Inspiring Children Aged 7-11 offers innovative and exciting ways to engage children in non-fiction writing, giving professionals the confidence and practical advice...

作者:Salkin, Jeffrey K.

Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin serves as the senior rabbi of Temple Solel in Hollywood, Florida. He is the author of Putting God on the Guest List: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child’s Bar...

作者:Flood, Timothy M.

The Muslim conquest of Iberia in 711 began nearly eight centuries of struggle for control of the peninsula. The invaders quickly achieved military supremacy, but political dominance was less comple...

作者:Young, Ross,Ferguson, Felicity

Ross Young was a primary school teacher for 10 years and holds an MA in Applied Linguistics in Education. As a passionate writer-teacher, he now works around the UK and abroad helping teachers and ...
