【問題】Jane Coop 橄欖油?推薦回答

作者:Stevenson, Noelle,Ewing, Al

作者:Aaron, Jason,Ewing, Al,Gronbekk, Torunn

作者:Aaron, Jason,Stevenson, Noelle

作者:Downing, Sarah Jane

Just as the fashions of Jane Austen's era define it as a unique moment in history, so do the pleasures and pastimes. Each occasion and activity brought the pleasure of choosing a new outfit, and th...

作者:Tonkovich, Nicole

Nicole Tonkovich is an associate professor of literature at the University of California, San Diego. She is the coauthor of Trading Gazes: Euro-American Women Photographers and Native North America...

作者:McQuerry, Maureen

Maureen McQuerry is an award-winning children’s author, poet, and teacher. She is a former middle and high school teacher with a specialty in gifted education and has a master’s degree in early edu...

作者:Editors of Thunder Bay Press

作者:Anderson, Robert Tuesley


作者:Jane Foster

  晴天、雨天、下雪天,小動物們需要你幫忙換裝,   快伸出小手操作書頁上的機關,幫忙戴上帽子、穿上雨鞋,或加件外套吧!   翻翻頁和滑動機關讓書頁瞬間多了變化,讓孩子忙碌體驗互動的樂趣。   喔,不!下雨了,你可以幫小熊穿上雨衣跟雨鞋嗎?外頭太陽好大,你能為倉鼠戴上太陽眼鏡跟帽子遮陽嗎?下雪了,貓咪好冷,趕快幫她圍圍巾,戴上羊毛手套吧!   在操作機關的互動過程中,孩子可以熟悉動物、天...

作者:Jane Foster

  這兒準備了好多好吃的食物,你能說出它們的英文名稱嗎?   快伸出小手操作書頁上的機關,倒一杯柳橙汁,或是為吐司抹上奶油吧!   翻翻頁和滑動機關讓書頁瞬間多了變化,讓孩子忙碌體驗互動的樂趣。   早餐時間到了,你想吃些什麼呢?倒杯柳橙汁,吃片吐司如何。你會用抹刀為吐司抹上好吃的奶油嗎?   點心時間到了,小朋友,來幫忙媽媽剝根香蕉,為自己倒杯牛奶吧!     吃午餐囉!你會自己做三明...

作者:Blumenthal, Karen

作者:Jorden, Brooke

Brooke Jorden earned a BA in English and editing from Brigham Young University. The author of the Lit for Little Hands series and other books for children, Brooke is also the managing editor at Fam...

